What is the minimum bet for Pavilion88 4D Lottery?
date:2023-07-15 10:34:01 click:59times
The minimum bet for Pavilion88 4D Lottery is RM1. The bet is placed on either a "Big" or "Small" forecast. A "Big" forecast refers to a 4D number with the same last three digits, while a "Small" forecast refers to a 4D number with the same first two digits. If the 4D number drawn matches the forecast, the player will win a prize based on the bet amount and the applicable prize structure. The prize structure for Pavilion88 4D Lottery is different for Big and Small forecasts, with Big forecasts having a higher payout than Small forecasts. Players can place multiple bets on either a Big or Small forecast, with the maximum bet amount set at RM1000. Players can also opt to play a "System Bet" where they can select more than one 4D number, with the minimum bet amount set at RM2.